Kazakhstan Engineering Universities Delegation Visit and Meeting
첨부파일이 없습니다.
▣ Date and Time: July 10, 2024 (Wednesday) at 11:00 AM
▣ Venue: ABEEK Conference Room
▣ Attendees:
From Kazakhstan:
- Ms. Zhadyra Konurbayeva - Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation, D.Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University
- Ms. Saule Smailova - Professor of Digital Technology and Artificial Intelligence, EKTU
- Ms. Saule Kumargazhanova - Professor of Digital Technology and Artificial Intelligence, EKTU
- Ms. Baktytzhan Amralinova - Director of the Institute of Project Management, Satbayev University
- Ms. Aliya Turegedinova - Head of Department, Institute of Project Management, Satbayev University
- Mr. Aidos Kamatayev - Project Manager, International Affairs
From Korea:
- Mr. Hak-il Kim - Vice President
- Mr. Sung-Ho Yoon - International Committee Chair
- Mr. Hyo-ryong An - Director, ABEEK Secretariat
- Ms. Hye-sung Park - Team Leader, ABEEK Secretariat
- Ms. Jung-bin Yang - Researcher, ABEEK Secretariat
▣ Agenda:
- Overview of Engineering Education in Korea and the ABEEK Accreditation System
- Overview of Engineering Education and Accreditation in Kazakhstan
- Discussion on Establishing an Engineering Education Accreditation Body in Kazakhstan
- Mutual Exchange and Cooperation to Enhance Engineering Education between Korea and Kazakhstan
▣ Photos: