Pursuant to Clause 4 of Article 16 of ABEEK Constitution, ABEEK will reevaluate accreditation decisions in accordance with the following rules.
Pursuant to Clause 4 of Article 16 of ABEEK Constitution, institution/program may appeal - within seven (7) days from the date the accreditation decision has been notified - each "not-to-accredit" decision granted by ABEEK. The appeal shall be in the form of a Formal Written Appeals Notice containing grounds and/or complete evidence in support of the appeal addressed from the head of the institution to the Chair of the Board of Directors of ABEEK. Upon receipt of the Formal Written Appeal Notice, the Chair of the Board of Directors of ABEEK shall form Appeals Committee (as per Article 4) within seven (7) days.
Appeals Committee conducts a review of accreditation decision based on documents submitted heretofore by both the institution/program and Accreditation Council
- Review is conducted in strict accordance with the rules and procedures stipulated here.
- Review is confined to errors and/or irregularities pertaining to procedural abnormalities during accreditation evaluation and/or to interpretation/application of relevant accreditation criteria. Changes and/or improvement implemented by the subject institution/program after "not-to-accredit" decision has been rendered by ABEEK are specifically excluded from consideration.
- The Final Verdict of Appeals Committee in response to the appeal shall be exactly one of “justifiable cause for appeal exists” or “justifiable cause for appeal does not exist” with the accreditation decision at hand. The verdict of “justifiable cause for appeal exists” does not imply immediate and automatic change in "not-to-accredit" decision.
- Appeals Committee shall be composed of at least five (5) members, to be called Appeals Committee Members including at least two (2) members drawn from persons with experiences as either Evaluation Team Chair or Accreditation Council Member, at least one (1) member with accreditation evaluation experience as recommended by the respective lead academic society associated with the subject program(s) in engineering. The Chair of the Board of Directors shall also appoint the Appeals Committee Chair from amongst the Appeals Committee Members appointed.
- Membership in the Appeals Committee commences upon appointment and terminates upon the reporting of the Final Verdict to the Chair of the Board of Directors.
The Chair of the Board of Directors may commission the Head of the Administrative Department to serve as Claim Agent of the institution lodging the appeal.
If deemed necessary, Appeals Committee may request Accreditation Council Member(s) to testify at its meetings.
Accreditation Council and Accreditation Committee shall provide all documents related to the institution/program lodging the appeal to Appeals Committee.
- Meeting is convened by the Appeals Committee Chair at the request of the Chair of the Board of Directors.
- Meeting is convened with a simple majority presence of the Appeals Committee Members.
- The resolution at the meeting shall be decided by a simple majority voting of the Appeals Committee Members present. The Appeals Committee Chair shall decide in the case of a tie vote.
The Final Verdict of the Appeals Committee in response to an appeal shall be exactly one of “justifiable cause for appeal exists” or “justifiable cause for appeal does not exist.” The Appeals Committee Chair shall report in writing the Final Verdict of the Appeals Committee to the Chair of the Board of Directors. In the case of a “justifiable cause for appeal exists” verdict, the Chair of the Board of Directors shall cause the case to be reevaluated by Accreditation Council by filing a written request to the President of ABEEK whereupon the Accreditation Council must arbitrate on the Final Decision. The Final Verdict of the Appeals Committee must be handed down within thirty (30) days from the receipt of a Formal Written Appeals Notice. The final verdict shall be terminal, i.e., no further appeal shall be allowed.
President of ABEEK shall immediately inform Accreditation Council of the Final Verdict of the Appeals Committee as relayed by the Chair of the Board of Directors. For the verdict of “justifiable cause for appeal does not exist,” the President shall inform the verdict to the head of the pertinent institution in writing within seven (7) days of receiving the verdict. For the verdict of “justifiable cause for appeal exists,” the President shall solicit opinion of Accreditation Council within 14 days of receiving the verdict. The President shall inform the result of reevaluation of Accreditation Council to the head of the pertinent institution in writing within 21 days of receiving the verdict.