All engineering programs seeking accreditation by the Engineering Accreditation Committee of ABEEK shall provide four or more years of outcomes-based education. The programs shall satisfy the following eight criteria:
1) Program Educational Objectives
2) Program Outcomes
3) Curriculum
4) Students
5) Faculty
6) Educational Environment
7) Program Improvement
8) Program Criteria
The engineering program shall establish and periodically review program educational objectives.
- 1.1The program shall publish program educational objectives that are consistent with the missions of the educational institution, the needs of the program constituents including industries, and changes in social environment.
- 1.2The program shall periodically review its program educational objectives and amend them if necessary.
In accordance with the program educational objectives, the engineering program shall establish program outcomes that indicate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of its students by the time of graduation. The attainment of the program outcomes shall be evaluated via a documented process.
2.1The engineering program shall have program outcomes that align with program educational objectives. Self-defined program outcomes can be added if they are deemed necessary.
- An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, basic science, engineering, and information technology to the solution of engineering problems
- An ability to analyze data and experimentally verify given facts or hypotheses
- An ability to define and formulate engineering problems
- An ability to apply state-of-the-art information, research-based knowledge, and appropriate tools to the solution of engineering problems
- An ability to design systems, components and processes within realistic constraints
- An ability to contribute to a project team to solve engineering problems
- An ability to communicate effectively in diverse situations
- An ability to understand the impact of engineering solutions in the context of health, safety, economics, environment and sustainability
- An ability to understand professional ethics and social responsibilities as an engineer
- A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning in the context of technological change
- 2.2The program shall establish a documented process for assesing the attainment of each program outcome.
- 2.3The program shall assess the attainment of program outcomes by applying the documented process.
The engineering program shall provide an integrated curriculum that leads to the attainment of program outcomes, and the curriculum shall be appropriately managed.
- 3.1The program shall set up and manage a curriculum to attain program outcomes.
- 3.2The curriculum shall include topics related to mathematics, basic sciences, and information technology needed to attain program outcomes. Some courses in basic sciences and information technology shall include laboratory and practice components.
- 3.3The curriculum shall include a minimum of 45 credits of engineering and related topics including design, experiment and practice components. The design component shall include an entry-level design course and a capstone design course.
- 3.4The curriculum shall include the complementary studies component needed to attain program outcomes.
The engineering program shall demonstrate that its students are properly advised in the attainment of program outcomes.
- 4.1Student performance shall be systematically evaluated.
- 4.2Student shall be advised on academic progress including curricular matters and graduation requirements.
- 4.3The program shall establish and enforce criteria and procedures to ensure that students meet all program requirements upon graduation.
The program faculty shall hold relevant professional qualifications and actively engage in program improvement.
- 5.1The program faculty shall provide adequate coverage of all curricular subject areas and be sufficient in number to instruct students.
- 5.2The program faculty shall actively engage in program improvement.
- 5.3Faculty commitment to program improvement shall be reflected in faculty performance appraisals.
The engineering program shall build and maintain adequate environment, and the institution shall provide adequate support to the program.
- 6.1The engineering program shall set up and maintain an administrative system for program delivery.
- 6.2Adequate financial resources, space, facilities, and equipment shall be secured and maintained by the program.
- 6.3Administrative staff and teaching assistants shall be adequate for program delivery.
The engineering program shall engage in continuous quality improvement.
- 7.1Results of the assessment of program outcomes and course delivery shall be analyzed.
- 7.2Internal and external feedback on program delivery shall be comprehensively considered.
- 7.3The assessment and feedback results shall lead to continuous quality improvement of the program.
The engineering program shall satisfy one or more of the applicable program criteria listed below.
- Program criteria for architectural and similarly named engineering programs
- Program criteria for mechanical and similarly named engineering programs
- Program criteria for agricultural and similarly named engineering programs
- Program criteria for industrial and similarly named engineering programs
- Program criteria for biological and similarly named engineering programs
- Program criteria for textile and similarly named engineering programs
- Program criteria for nuclear, radiological and similarly named engineering programs
- Program criteria for artificial intelligence engineering and similarly named engineering programs
- Program criteria for energy & mineral resources and similarly named engineering programs
- Program criteria for materials and similarly named engineering programs
- Program criteria for electrical, electronic and similarly named engineering programs
- Program criteria for naval architecture, ocean and similarly named engineering programs
- Program criteria for computer and similarly named engineering programs
- Program criteria for civil and similarly named engineering programs
- Program criteria for aerospace and similarly named engineering programs
- Program criteria for chemical and similarly named engineering programs
- Program criteria for environmental and similarly named engineering programs
- Program criteria for inter- or multi-disciplinary engineering and similarly named engineering programs
- Non-Traditional Engineering Programs