
ABEEK Accreditation Procedure

Article 1 (Objectives)

In accordance with Article 9 of ABEEK’s Rules on Accreditation, the accreditation procedure outlined here specifies detailed procedural rules to be adhered to by both ABEEK and the engineering institution/program subject to accreditation evaluation.

Article 2 (Procedure)

Accreditation evaluation involves ABEEK executing the following six sub-procedures in a sequential order, as further qualified in Section 3 below:

  1. (Annual Plan and Preparation) Planning of and preparation for the upcoming accreditation evaluation cycle,
  2. (Program Selection and Evaluation Team) Selection of institution/program to be evaluated and formation of evaluation team,
  3. (Program Self-Study Report) Submission of Self-Study Report by the program,
  4. (Pre-Visit Evaluation and On-Site Evaluation) Procedures on Pre-Visit Evaluation and On-Site Evaluation,
  5. (Moderation & Consistency-Checks, Accreditation Decision) Filing of Responses, Preliminary Review Statements; consistency of Accreditation Decisions via Moderation & Consistency-Checks; Accreditation Decision, and
  6. (Follow-Up) Follow-up procedures
Article 3 (Annual Plan and Preparation)
  1. The schedule from the planning stage to managing the accreditation results is carried out on a yearly basis. It involves a series of tasks that involve receiving applications from educational institutions seeking accreditation, conducting accreditation evaluation, confirming, notifying, and managing the results. The schedule is confirmed on a yearly basis before applying for accreditation.
  2. ABEEK determines the numbers of institutions and programs to be evaluated during the upcoming accreditation evaluation cycle. Respective Accreditation Committee develops plans for the composition of accreditation evaluation teams and training of program evaluators.
  3. ABEEK holds an accreditation briefing session to officially announce the annual accreditation plan and matters related to the accreditation evaluation procedures.
  4. At the accreditation briefing session, the Accreditation Criteria to be applied to the next year’s evaluation, the respective Evaluation Guide, the evaluation procedure, and the time schedule are announced and the supplementary materials necessary to prepare for accreditation are provided to educational institutions.
  5. ABEEK compiles and distributes all necessary documents and forms for the filing of accreditation application and receives applications from institutions.
Article 4 (Program Selection and Composition of Evaluation Team)
  1. Selects programs for accreditation evaluation according to the annual plan.
  2. Educational institutions applying for preliminary or new accreditation evaluation are chosen based on specified selection criteria.
  3. Accredited programs shall be selected for accreditation evaluation in the year preceding the expiration of their accreditation period.
  4. Programs that have been divided or combined shall undergo a General Review for the next scheduled accreditation evaluation.
  5. The evaluation team comprises one evaluation team leader and evaluation team members for each educational institution. Generally, the evaluation team consists of two members for each program during a preliminary/new and regular evaluation, and one member for a mid-term and conditional certification evaluation.
  6. If needed, the evaluation team may include a Deputy Team Chair and/or an Assistant.
  7. The evaluation team may include, in consultation with the institution and programs, observers drawn from the members of ABEEK, industries, international organizations, and foreign accrediting agencies.
  8. To form an evaluation team, ABEEK may provide a list of evaluation team candidates to the educational institution and receive requests for exclusion from the educational institution.
  9. If the reason(s) provided for exclusion is deemed justifiable, the designated candidates are excluded from the final list of Program Evaluators.
  10. Team Chair and Deputy Team Chair may also serve as a Program Evaluator.
Article 5 (Self-Study Report by Program/Institution)
  1. ABEEK provides a list of documents and forms for institutions and programs to prepare and submit for accreditation evaluation.
  2. Prior to accreditation evaluation, institutions and programs are required to submit a self-study report.
  3. The self-study report includes the results of the self-assessment made by the institution and program, by filling out the form supplied by ABEEK.
  4. In the case of General Review, institution/program shall self-evaluate all review items in the accreditation criteria.
  5. In the case of Interim Review, only Weaknesses (W), need to be evaluated.
  6. In the case of Conditional Accreditation, only Deficiencies (D) given out in the previous General Review or Interim Review need to be evaluated.
Article 6 (Pre-Visit Evaluation and On-Site Visit)
  1. ABEEK accreditation evaluation comprises a paper written evaluation that scrutinizes the self-study report and other documents submitted by the institution/program, followed by an on-site evaluation where an evaluation team visits the institution on site.
  2. If ABEEK finds the self-study report submitted by the institution/program for paper evaluation inadequate to proceed with an on-site visit, it may ask the institution/program to revise and resubmit the report.
  3. The Evaluation Team evaluates self-study reports submitted by the institution/program in line with the accreditation certification criteria. Specifics regarding the paper evaluation are outlined in separate guidelines..
  4. The Evaluation Team reviews the institution’s self-study reports, present its opinions, may request supplementary materials, and request the institution/program to provide materials during on-site visit.
  5. Institution/program may provide supplementary materials in a written form or verbally, as appropriate during on-site visit. in writing, and if presenting them in writing is challenging, they may be presented during the on-site evaluation.
  6. The Evaluation Team must document the evaluation results along with the evaluation basis for each accreditation criterion.
  7. The Evaluation Team may hold coordination meetings to ensure consistency, fairness, and accuracy of the evaluation results.
  8. The Evaluation Team prepares a written evaluation opinion on the basis of self-study report and submits it to ABEEK, which then delivers it to the institution/program prior to the on-site visit.
  9. During on-site visit, the primary focus is on addressing the potential issues outlined in the written evaluation opinion report, items that require on-site verification, and other qualitative factors. Specifics regarding on-site evaluation are outlined in separate guidelines.
Article 7 (Moderation and Decisions on the Accreditation Evaluation Results)
  1. 1. The accreditation evaluation is composed of the following steps:
    1. Prepare the program analysis table
    2. Prepare and coordinate the Pre-visit Evaluation Report
    3. Conduct and coordinate the on-site evaluation
    4. Draft and coordinate the On-Site Evaluation Report
    5. Convene a moderation meeting for each Program Criteria
    6. Moderate across all institutions/programs
    7. Finalize the preliminary Evaluation Report
    8. Institution/program files Response to On-Site Evaluation Report
    9. Conduct a comprehensive review of the Response to On-Site Evaluation Report
    10. Accreditation Council renders accreditation decisions
    11. Finalize the Evaluation Report
  2. 2. Specifics regarding the evaluation and moderation are outlined in separate guidelines.
Article 8 (Document Management)
  1. ABEEK manages various documents generated throughout the accreditation evaluation process through a robust document management system. Access to the documents follows the provisions of the relevant regulations.
  2. The Evaluation Team Chair and Program Evaluators are prohibited from diverging information about educational institutions and programs acquired during the accreditation evaluation process for any purpose other than for accreditation task at hand.